Sunday, November 23, 2008

Outside Reading #5

I finally finished Twilight. I finished the amazing story approximately 7 hours before the midnight premiere of the film version. My overall opinion on Twilight is very positive. Twilight is the first book I have ever fell in love with. I have never read a book so fast. As much as I love the Gossip Girl series, it does not even compare to Twilight. As much as I adore the story of Twilight, I thought the first one-hundred pages were a little boring. After the first one-hundred, the book was addicting. I was constantly reading. I didn't watch T.V. for four days straight because when I had time to kill, my nose was buried in Twilight. Now comparing Twilight, the novel, to Twilight, the film, the two were both phenomenal. However as usual the movie did twist the story just a little. Overall it was the same story. The actors Kristen Sterwart(Bella) and Rob Pattinson(Edward) did an unbelievable job at portraying the characters from the novel. Whatever it is, Stephenie Meyer has an incredible talent within her writting. Her story of Edward and Bella has become a classic. A story of love, good vs. evil, and life challenges. A story that will never die in the minds of teenage girls and young women. I  highly recommend Twilight to anyone looking for a good read.

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