Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Outside Reading #2

I finally began Twilight! I can't put it down it's such a good read! I stayed up until 12:30 a.m. reading just the beginning of this fantastic novel. The Twilight series is written by Stephenie Meyer. I am only on page 67, chapter 3, as of right now and I have loved reading every page so far. The story is based on a relationship between a mortal, Isabella (Bella) Swan, and Edward Cullen a vampire. There is something about this story that has teenagers going crazy for it! Maybe it's the love story? Or the action? Overall this book is phenomenal! Over 17 million copies have been sold worldwide! It has also been translated into twenty different languages. Twilight is the first of four novels in the series. Twilight is followed by The New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn. As the books go on the relationship between Bella and Edward does as well. Even though I have just began the first novel I plan on reading the following three. In my personal opinion I believe the love story between Bella and Edward is what keeps me reading. As well as that the story takes place in modern times. Bella and Edward's story could be considered every teenage girls dream. Not necessarily falling in love with a vampire, but falling in love and having that type of relationship with someone. Making that special connection with someone.

1 comment:

-claire- said...

Suzie! isn't Twilight absolutely amazing. Stephenie does a great job of putting the plot together! You will seriosuly not be able to put the book down!