Sunday, November 9, 2008

Outside Reading #1

All of my teammates from my hockey team have convinced me to start reading the "Twilight" series, written by Stephenie Meyer. Since I have not started to read it quite yet I decided to blog about an article I read on the Twilight movie that premieres November 21st. The article was written by CNN's Karen Valby, and based on Stephenie Meyer's interview with Entertainment Weekly. "I was terrified for days in advance before I saw Twilight for the first time. I was so worried it was going to be horrible and break my heart." Meyer admitted.  After watching the film Meyer's worries had melted away, the movie reflected the book perfectly! Entertainment Weekly questioned Meyer's ability to "put her foot down" when something during filming didn't look right. She responded by saying just in general she has a hard time being critical, but during this project she felt comfortable doing so incase something needed changing. Meyer also talked about the actor, Robert Pattinson, who plays Edward in the film. She explained her negative feelings that occurred when fans were outraged that he was casted to play Edward. Though the movie has not come out yet, she believes they will change their minds when they see the film. "And when they see the movie, oh my gosh, there's no way not to love him!"

The entire article can be found here.


Rachel said...

your free response has really made me want to read this book so i might read them before the movie comes out.

Kiltie said...

I am so glad you are reading this because then you get to realise how amazing it is!!