Sunday, December 14, 2008

Outside Reading #9

Every year for Hannukah all the cousins in my family pick another cousin to give a gift to. This year I picked my seven-year-old cousin who desperately wants a new "Bratz" doll. As a result of her plead for the item I searched the internet for the specific type od Bratz doll she wanted. It was then when I came across this article on Due to the fact that Mattel sued Bratz manufacturer MGA Entertainment Inc., and last week a federal judge ordered MGA to stop making the dolls. Bratz will no longer be on the shelves after this shopping season ends. While many young girls are very disappointed to here the news, most moms feel relieved. Six-year-old Sierra Curry-Corcoran of Newport News, Virginia is a Bratz lover. Sierra prefers Bratz over Barbies. "I like Bratz better. They have more fancy clothes, and they look more cool," Sierra declared. Looking at the situation from a mom's point of view is the total opposite. Many moms believe Bratz are very risque. Mom, Kristi Cassell of Sandy Springs, Georgia is a non-supporter of the dolls. "Barbies come across more wholesome," Cassell said. Barbie has some "questionable" clothes, "but it seemed like all the Bratz dolls were on a darker side of Barbie," she said. In this cas moms aren't the only ones happy to see these "trashy dolls" leave the shelves. Bratz rival, Barbie, is relieved to see them discontinued. This will provide less competition for Barbie. In my opinion I also believe Bratz are a little too much. However when I was that age I didn't pay much attention to the appearance of the doll to the point where I would want to look like them. I knew they were unrealistic people. Now that I'm older I do understand the parental opinion better, and I do agree with it. Because of the unrealistic body images that are sadly considered "normal" in our society today. It is important that guardians teach their daughters at a young age to lead a healthy life style, with a well balanced self of esteem.

This entire article can be found here.

1 comment:

Gretchen said...

This is really interesting! Haha i loved Bratz when i was little but yeah i agree their clothes are a bit too much.