Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Blog #14:Love

As I may have mentioned before in my previous blogs, I have been reading the Twilight series written by Stephenie Meyer. I am currently on the second book, New Moon. The Twilight series is about a love story between a vampire and a human. Some may say love is complicated and doesn't always work. Well the love between Edward, a vampire, and Bella, a human, is more than complicated. However, it seems to suit and it does work. As I finished the first book, Twilight, I learned that love takes sacrifices. Edward loves Bella so much that he must restrain himself from drinking her blood. He must keep himself from killing her. As well as Edward, Bella must also make sacrifices. Bella must protect Edward and his family by keeping their unknown secret. The secret that they are all vampires. Whether it is love between a vampire and a human or the love between a human and another human. Love takes sacrifices. Now some may not even believe in the idea of love or soul mates. But doesn't every relationship of any sort take sacrifices? I believe they do. All relationships take sacrifices.

Meyer, Stephenie. New Moon.New York: Little Brown and Company,2005

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